
Friday 17 September 2021

Descriptive Statistics in R (advanced)



For a single variable

In order to check the normality assumption of a variable (normality means that the data follow a normal distribution, also known as a Gaussian distribution), we usually use histograms and/or QQ-plots.1 See an article discussing about the normal distribution and how to evaluate the normality assumption in R if you need a refresh on that subject. Histograms have been presented earlier, so here is how to draw a QQ-plot:

# Draw points on the qq-plot:
# Draw the reference line:

Or a QQ-plot with confidence bands with the qqPlot() function from the {car} package:

library(car) # package must be installed first

## [1] 132 118

If points are close to the reference line (sometimes referred as Henry’s line) and within the confidence bands, the normality assumption can be considered as met. The bigger the deviation between the points and the reference line and the more they lie outside the confidence bands, the less likely that the normality condition is met. The variable Sepal.Length does not seem to follow a normal distribution because several points lie outside the confidence bands. When facing a non-normal distribution, the first step is usually to apply the logarithm transformation on the data and recheck to see whether the log-transformed data are normally distributed. Applying the logarithm transformation can be done with the log() function.

In {ggpubr}:


By groups

For some statistical tests, the normality assumption is required in all groups. One solution is to draw a QQ-plot for each group by manually splitting the dataset into different groups and then draw a QQ-plot for each subset of the data (with the methods shown above). Another (easier) solution is to draw a QQ-plot for each group automatically with the argument groups = in the function qqPlot() from the {car} package:

qqPlot(dat$Sepal.Length, groups = dat$size)

In {ggplot2}:

  sample = Sepal.Length, data = dat,
  col = size, shape = size

It is also possible to differentiate groups by only shape or color. For this, remove one of the argument col or shape in the qplot() function above.

Density plot

Density plot is a smoothed version of the histogram and is used in the same concept, that is, to represent the distribution of a numeric variable. The functions plot() and density() are used together to draw a density plot:


In {ggplot2}:

ggplot(dat) +
  aes(x = Sepal.Length) +

Advanced descriptive statistics

We covered the main functions to compute the most common and basic descriptive statistics. There are, however, many more functions and packages to perform more advanced descriptive statistics in R. In this section, I present some of them with applications to our dataset.

{summarytools} package

One package for descriptive statistics I often use for my projects in R is the {summarytools} package. The package is centered around 4 functions:

  1. freq() for frequencies tables
  2. ctable() for cross-tabulations
  3. descr() for descriptive statistics
  4. dfSummary() for dataframe summaries

A combination of these 4 functions is usually more than enough for most descriptive analyses. Moreover, the package has been built with R Markdown in mind, meaning that outputs render well in HTML reports. And for non-English speakers, built-in translations exist for French, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian and Turkish.

I illustrate each of the 4 functions in the following sections. Outputs that follow display much better in R Markdown reports, but in this article I limit myself to the raw outputs as the goal is to show how the functions work, not how to make them render well. See the setup settings in the vignette of the package if you want to print the outputs in a nice way in R Markdown.2

Frequency tables with freq()

The freq() function produces frequency tables with frequencies, proportions, as well as missing data information.

## Frequencies  
## dat$Species  
## Type: Factor  
##                    Freq   % Valid   % Valid Cum.   % Total   % Total Cum.
## ---------------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
##           setosa     50     33.33          33.33     33.33          33.33
##       versicolor     50     33.33          66.67     33.33          66.67
##        virginica     50     33.33         100.00     33.33         100.00
##             <NA>      0                               0.00         100.00
##            Total    150    100.00         100.00    100.00         100.00

If you do not need information about missing values, add the report.nas = FALSE argument:

  report.nas = FALSE # remove NA information
## Frequencies  
## dat$Species  
## Type: Factor  
##                    Freq        %   % Cum.
## ---------------- ------ -------- --------
##           setosa     50    33.33    33.33
##       versicolor     50    33.33    66.67
##        virginica     50    33.33   100.00
##            Total    150   100.00   100.00

And for a minimalist output with only counts and proportions:

  report.nas = FALSE, # remove NA information
  totals = FALSE, # remove totals
  cumul = FALSE, # remove cumuls
  headings = FALSE # remove headings
##                    Freq       %
## ---------------- ------ -------
##           setosa     50   33.33
##       versicolor     50   33.33
##        virginica     50   33.33

Cross-tabulations with ctable()

The ctable() function produces cross-tabulations (also known as contingency tables) for pairs of categorical variables. Using the two categorical variables in our dataset:

  x = dat$Species,
  y = dat$size
## Cross-Tabulation, Row Proportions  
## Species * size  
## Data Frame: dat  
## ------------ ------ ------------ ------------ --------------
##                size          big        small          Total
##      Species                                                
##       setosa           1 ( 2.0%)   49 (98.0%)    50 (100.0%)
##   versicolor          29 (58.0%)   21 (42.0%)    50 (100.0%)
##    virginica          47 (94.0%)    3 ( 6.0%)    50 (100.0%)
##        Total          77 (51.3%)   73 (48.7%)   150 (100.0%)
## ------------ ------ ------------ ------------ --------------

Row proportions are shown by default. To display column or total proportions, add the prop = "c" or prop = "t" arguments, respectively:

  x = dat$Species,
  y = dat$size,
  prop = "t" # total proportions
## Cross-Tabulation, Total Proportions  
## Species * size  
## Data Frame: dat  
## ------------ ------ ------------ ------------ --------------
##                size          big        small          Total
##      Species                                                
##       setosa           1 ( 0.7%)   49 (32.7%)    50 ( 33.3%)
##   versicolor          29 (19.3%)   21 (14.0%)    50 ( 33.3%)
##    virginica          47 (31.3%)    3 ( 2.0%)    50 ( 33.3%)
##        Total          77 (51.3%)   73 (48.7%)   150 (100.0%)
## ------------ ------ ------------ ------------ --------------

To remove proportions altogether, add the argument prop = "n". Furthermore, to display only the bare minimum, add the totals = FALSE and headings = FALSE arguments:

  x = dat$Species,
  y = dat$size,
  prop = "n", # remove proportions
  totals = FALSE, # remove totals
  headings = FALSE # remove headings
## ------------ ------ ----- -------
##                size   big   small
##      Species                     
##       setosa            1      49
##   versicolor           29      21
##    virginica           47       3
## ------------ ------ ----- -------

This is equivalent than table(dat$Species, dat$size) and xtabs(~ dat$Species + dat$size) performed in the section on contingency tables.

To display results of the Chi-square test of independence, add the chisq = TRUE argument:3

  x = dat$Species,
  y = dat$size,
  chisq = TRUE, # display results of Chi-square test of independence
  headings = FALSE # remove headings
## ------------ ------ ------------ ------------ --------------
##                size          big        small          Total
##      Species                                                
##       setosa           1 ( 2.0%)   49 (98.0%)    50 (100.0%)
##   versicolor          29 (58.0%)   21 (42.0%)    50 (100.0%)
##    virginica          47 (94.0%)    3 ( 6.0%)    50 (100.0%)
##        Total          77 (51.3%)   73 (48.7%)   150 (100.0%)
## ------------ ------ ------------ ------------ --------------
## ----------------------------
##  Chi.squared   df   p.value 
## ------------- ---- ---------
##     86.03      2       0    
## ----------------------------

The p-value is close to 0 so we reject the null hypothesis of independence between the two variables. In our context, this indicates that species and size are dependent and that there is a significant relationship between the two variables.

It is also possible to create a contingency table for each level of a third categorical variable thanks to the combination of the stby() and ctable() functions. There are only 2 categorical variables in our dataset, so let’s use the tabacco dataset which has 4 categorical variables (i.e., gender, age group, smoker, diseased). For this example, we would like to create a contingency table of the variables smoker and diseased, and this for each gender:

  x = tobacco$smoker, # smoker and diseased
  y = tobacco$diseased
INDICES = tobacco$gender, # for each gender
FUN = ctable # ctable for cross-tabulation
## Cross-Tabulation, Row Proportions  
## smoker * diseased  
## Data Frame: tobacco  
## Group: gender = F  
## -------- ---------- ------------- ------------- --------------
##            diseased           Yes            No          Total
##   smoker                                                      
##      Yes               62 (42.2%)    85 (57.8%)   147 (100.0%)
##       No               49 (14.3%)   293 (85.7%)   342 (100.0%)
##    Total              111 (22.7%)   378 (77.3%)   489 (100.0%)
## -------- ---------- ------------- ------------- --------------
## Group: gender = M  
## -------- ---------- ------------- ------------- --------------
##            diseased           Yes            No          Total
##   smoker                                                      
##      Yes               63 (44.1%)    80 (55.9%)   143 (100.0%)
##       No               47 (13.6%)   299 (86.4%)   346 (100.0%)
##    Total              110 (22.5%)   379 (77.5%)   489 (100.0%)
## -------- ---------- ------------- ------------- --------------

Descriptive statistics with descr()

The descr() function produces descriptive (univariate) statistics with common central tendency statistics and measures of dispersion. (See the difference between a measure of central tendency and dispersion if you need a reminder.)

A major advantage of this function is that it accepts single vectors as well as data frames. If a data frame is provided, all non-numerical columns are ignored so you do not have to remove them yourself before running the function.

The descr() function allows to display:

  • only a selection of descriptive statistics of your choice, with the stats = c("mean", "sd") argument for mean and standard deviation for example
  • the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile and maximum with stats = "fivenum"
  • the most common descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, minimum, median, maximum, number and percentage of valid observations), with stats = "common":
  headings = FALSE, # remove headings
  stats = "common" # most common descriptive statistics
##                   Petal.Length   Petal.Width   Sepal.Length   Sepal.Width
## --------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------
##            Mean           3.76          1.20           5.84          3.06
##         Std.Dev           1.77          0.76           0.83          0.44
##             Min           1.00          0.10           4.30          2.00
##          Median           4.35          1.30           5.80          3.00
##             Max           6.90          2.50           7.90          4.40
##         N.Valid         150.00        150.00         150.00        150.00
##       Pct.Valid         100.00        100.00         100.00        100.00

Tip: if you have a large number of variables, add the transpose = TRUE argument for a better display.

In order to compute these descriptive statistics by group (e.g., Species in our dataset), use the descr() function in combination with the stby() function:

  data = dat,
  INDICES = dat$Species, # by Species
  FUN = descr, # descriptive statistics
  stats = "common" # most common descr. stats
## Descriptive Statistics  
## dat  
## Group: Species = setosa  
## N: 50  
##                   Petal.Length   Petal.Width   Sepal.Length   Sepal.Width
## --------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------
##            Mean           1.46          0.25           5.01          3.43
##         Std.Dev           0.17          0.11           0.35          0.38
##             Min           1.00          0.10           4.30          2.30
##          Median           1.50          0.20           5.00          3.40
##             Max           1.90          0.60           5.80          4.40
##         N.Valid          50.00         50.00          50.00         50.00
##       Pct.Valid         100.00        100.00         100.00        100.00
## Group: Species = versicolor  
## N: 50  
##                   Petal.Length   Petal.Width   Sepal.Length   Sepal.Width
## --------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------
##            Mean           4.26          1.33           5.94          2.77
##         Std.Dev           0.47          0.20           0.52          0.31
##             Min           3.00          1.00           4.90          2.00
##          Median           4.35          1.30           5.90          2.80
##             Max           5.10          1.80           7.00          3.40
##         N.Valid          50.00         50.00          50.00         50.00
##       Pct.Valid         100.00        100.00         100.00        100.00
## Group: Species = virginica  
## N: 50  
##                   Petal.Length   Petal.Width   Sepal.Length   Sepal.Width
## --------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------
##            Mean           5.55          2.03           6.59          2.97
##         Std.Dev           0.55          0.27           0.64          0.32
##             Min           4.50          1.40           4.90          2.20
##          Median           5.55          2.00           6.50          3.00
##             Max           6.90          2.50           7.90          3.80
##         N.Valid          50.00         50.00          50.00         50.00
##       Pct.Valid         100.00        100.00         100.00        100.00

Data frame summaries with dfSummary()

The dfSummary() function generates a summary table with statistics, frequencies and graphs for all variables in a dataset. The information shown depends on the type of the variables (character, factor, numeric, date) and also varies according to the number of distinct values.

## Data Frame Summary  
## dat  
## Dimensions: 150 x 6  
## Duplicates: 1  
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## No   Variable        Stats / Values           Freqs (% of Valid)   Graph                            Valid    Missing  
## ---- --------------- ------------------------ -------------------- -------------------------------- -------- ---------
## 1    Sepal.Length    Mean (sd) : 5.8 (0.8)    35 distinct values     . . : :                        150      0        
##      [numeric]       min < med < max:                                : : : :                        (100%)   (0%)     
##                      4.3 < 5.8 < 7.9                                 : : : : :                                        
##                      IQR (CV) : 1.3 (0.1)                            : : : : :                                        
##                                                                    : : : : : : : :                                    
## 2    Sepal.Width     Mean (sd) : 3.1 (0.4)    23 distinct values           :                        150      0        
##      [numeric]       min < med < max:                                      :                        (100%)   (0%)     
##                      2 < 3 < 4.4                                         . :                                          
##                      IQR (CV) : 0.5 (0.1)                              : : : :                                        
##                                                                    . . : : : : : :                                    
## 3    Petal.Length    Mean (sd) : 3.8 (1.8)    43 distinct values   :                                150      0        
##      [numeric]       min < med < max:                              :         . :                    (100%)   (0%)     
##                      1 < 4.3 < 6.9                                 :         : : .                                    
##                      IQR (CV) : 3.5 (0.5)                          : :       : : : .                                  
##                                                                    : :   . : : : : : .                                
## 4    Petal.Width     Mean (sd) : 1.2 (0.8)    22 distinct values   :                                150      0        
##      [numeric]       min < med < max:                              :                                (100%)   (0%)     
##                      0.1 < 1.3 < 2.5                               :       . .   :                                    
##                      IQR (CV) : 1.5 (0.6)                          :       : :   :   .                                
##                                                                    : :   : : : . : : :                                
## 5    Species         1. setosa                50 (33.3%)           IIIIII                           150      0        
##      [factor]        2. versicolor            50 (33.3%)           IIIIII                           (100%)   (0%)     
##                      3. virginica             50 (33.3%)           IIIIII                                             
## 6    size            1. big                   77 (51.3%)           IIIIIIIIII                       150      0        
##      [character]     2. small                 73 (48.7%)           IIIIIIIII                        (100%)   (0%)     
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

describeBy() from the {psych} package

The describeBy() function from the {psych} package allows to report several summary statistics (i.e., number of valid cases, mean, standard deviation, median, trimmed mean, mad: median absolute deviation (from the median), minimum, maximum, range, skewness and kurtosis) by a grouping variable.

  dat$Species # grouping variable
##  Descriptive statistics by group 
## group: setosa
##              vars  n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min  max range skew kurtosis
## Sepal.Length    1 50 5.01 0.35    5.0    5.00 0.30 4.3  5.8   1.5 0.11    -0.45
## Sepal.Width     2 50 3.43 0.38    3.4    3.42 0.37 2.3  4.4   2.1 0.04     0.60
## Petal.Length    3 50 1.46 0.17    1.5    1.46 0.15 1.0  1.9   0.9 0.10     0.65
## Petal.Width     4 50 0.25 0.11    0.2    0.24 0.00 0.1  0.6   0.5 1.18     1.26
## Species*        5 50 1.00 0.00    1.0    1.00 0.00 1.0  1.0   0.0  NaN      NaN
## size*           6 50  NaN   NA     NA     NaN   NA Inf -Inf  -Inf   NA       NA
##                se
## Sepal.Length 0.05
## Sepal.Width  0.05
## Petal.Length 0.02
## Petal.Width  0.01
## Species*     0.00
## size*          NA
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## group: versicolor
##              vars  n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min  max range  skew
## Sepal.Length    1 50 5.94 0.52   5.90    5.94 0.52 4.9  7.0   2.1  0.10
## Sepal.Width     2 50 2.77 0.31   2.80    2.78 0.30 2.0  3.4   1.4 -0.34
## Petal.Length    3 50 4.26 0.47   4.35    4.29 0.52 3.0  5.1   2.1 -0.57
## Petal.Width     4 50 1.33 0.20   1.30    1.32 0.22 1.0  1.8   0.8 -0.03
## Species*        5 50 2.00 0.00   2.00    2.00 0.00 2.0  2.0   0.0   NaN
## size*           6 50  NaN   NA     NA     NaN   NA Inf -Inf  -Inf    NA
##              kurtosis   se
## Sepal.Length    -0.69 0.07
## Sepal.Width     -0.55 0.04
## Petal.Length    -0.19 0.07
## Petal.Width     -0.59 0.03
## Species*          NaN 0.00
## size*              NA   NA
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## group: virginica
##              vars  n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min  max range  skew
## Sepal.Length    1 50 6.59 0.64   6.50    6.57 0.59 4.9  7.9   3.0  0.11
## Sepal.Width     2 50 2.97 0.32   3.00    2.96 0.30 2.2  3.8   1.6  0.34
## Petal.Length    3 50 5.55 0.55   5.55    5.51 0.67 4.5  6.9   2.4  0.52
## Petal.Width     4 50 2.03 0.27   2.00    2.03 0.30 1.4  2.5   1.1 -0.12
## Species*        5 50 3.00 0.00   3.00    3.00 0.00 3.0  3.0   0.0   NaN
## size*           6 50  NaN   NA     NA     NaN   NA Inf -Inf  -Inf    NA
##              kurtosis   se
## Sepal.Length    -0.20 0.09
## Sepal.Width      0.38 0.05
## Petal.Length    -0.37 0.08
## Petal.Width     -0.75 0.04
## Species*          NaN 0.00
## size*              NA   NA

aggregate() function

The aggregate() function allows to split the data into subsets and then to compute summary statistics for each. For instance, if we want to compute the mean for the variables Sepal.Length and Sepal.Width by Species and Size:

aggregate(cbind(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width) ~ Species + size,
  data = dat,
##      Species  size Sepal.Length Sepal.Width
## 1     setosa   big     5.800000    4.000000
## 2 versicolor   big     6.282759    2.868966
## 3  virginica   big     6.663830    2.997872
## 4     setosa small     4.989796    3.416327
## 5 versicolor small     5.457143    2.633333
## 6  virginica small     5.400000    2.600000


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